“We are now working on issue 18 and our continued growth to success is underpinned by your impeccable product quality, world class customer service and pragmatic business support that defines the difference between a genuine business partner and a ten a penny jobbing printer. We genuinely appreciate all that you do for us.”
Your publication can easily be converted into a digital publication; the digital publication is an exact replica of the printed product but can be viewed on screen. Pages can be turned, you can use the zoom function for a closer look, all email and web addresses are hyperlinked, and you can search within the publication and even print a copy out.
Options are available such as inserting video footage, playing music and moving adverts utilising HTML.
S&G provide their customers with digital versions of their magazine from the print ready PDFs. A few adjustments to the files (removal of crop propecia køb online marks and convert to a single PDF) and we are ready to upload the files to our digital publications partner, YUDU; they then provide the link to your digital publication which is hosted on 22,000 servers around the world!
Printing a physical magazine will always be our primary focus at S&G. However, we must always adapt to change and embrace the digital world. This is the reason why we are offering our clients their publication in a variety of multi media platforms.
For a free, no obligation preview of your magazine as a Digital Publication emailmike.donovan@stephensandgeorge.co.uk